CHAI Global Summit: Getting to the heart of Responsible Health AI 

  • We will share and discuss public feedback on our Assurance Standards Guide
  • We will share an assurance lab use case, and practical insights and lessons learned across the lifecycle
  • We will present and share our initial draft frameworks for Generative and Predictive AI for public review
  • We will provide opportunities for networking with colleagues across the Health AI ecosystem
  • Workgroup Chairs will provide updates and host break out sessions
  • Our independent Assurance Lab partners will be previewing in advance of their demos at the AI@HLTH pavilion



Times and detailed agenda coming soon

Day 1

Saturday, October 19

Day 1 Objectives

  • Introduce the Generative AI and Predictive AI Best Practice Guidance and Testing and Evaluation Frameworks
  • Demonstrate how to apply metrics, measures, and methods using a real-world Generative AI and Predictive AI use case.
  • Solicit feedback from audience
  • Launch first frameworks for Assurance Lab Accreditation
  • Present the first iteration of Model Cards

Theme: Introducing the Summit

9:00 AM-9:30 AM

Welcome and Opening Remarks 

Session Title: Setting the Stage for Responsible AI in Healthcare

Speakers: John Halamka (Board Chairman) and/or Brian Anderson (CEO)

9:30 AM-10:00 AM

Keynote Fireside – Speaker TBC

10:00 AM- 10:45 AM

Generative AI Best Practices and T&E Framework

Speakers: A selection of Generative AI Workgroup Chairs

Overview: A comprehensive walkthrough of the draft best practices and the T&E framework, as it relates to the selected use case: Note Summarization.

10:45 AM-11:00 AM


11:00 AM-11:45 AM

Predictive AI Real-World Use Case: Applying Best Practices and T&E Framework

Speakers: A selection of Predictive AI Workgroup Chairs

Overview: A comprehensive walkthrough of the sepsis use case, demonstrating the application of both the best practices and the T&E framework.

11:45 AM – 12:15 PM

Moderated Discussion & Q&A 

12:15 PM- 1:15 PM


1:15 PM- 2:00 PM

Assurance Lab Accreditation Framework Presentation

Overview: A look into the quality assurance lab proof of concept being driven by Sharp, UCSD, and Dandelion, Qualified Health, and a first look at CHAI’s Accreditation Framework

2:00 PM- 2:30 PM

Model Card Presentation

Speaker: Christine Swisher

Overview: Overview of the CHAI-endorsed model card

2:30 PM-2:45 PM


2:45 PM- 3:45 PM

Breakout discussions: Discussion of Use Cases & Frameworks

  • AI Developer
  • AI Users 
  • Consumers
  • Government 

4:00 PM- 5:00 PM

Report out & next steps

5:00 PM- 5:30 PM


5:30 PM- Onwards

Drinks & Reception

Day 2

Sunday, October 20

For information, we have one large boardroom (capacity: 50) booked for the day. We will be holding open-door workgroup sessions, for attendees from Day 1 to attend.

For paid members, please use the discount code provided to you via email